trainee groupSo Aarti is one of our adult interns at Arpan. She has autism.

A self-advocate’s view would be that her autism defines who she is.

According to the traditional view of disability, the autism would create certain problems (in the social, communication and language, and behavioural realms) and these difficulties would define who she is.

Is there an alternate way of defining who Aarti and others like her with developmental disabilities truly are?

How does one define the ability to love unconditionally? With no strings attached?
How does one define a state where there is no evidence of an ego as we know it?
How does one define the ability to show care and compassion with no holds barred?
How does one define one-pointedness and complete attention to task?
How does one define the ability to work at a task to its completion no matter how boring or mundane it is?
How does one define the importance that being at work on time holds for an individual?

Day in and day out our trainees at our dabba service show us all of these qualities and many more. We, the `non-disabled’, are in awe of their strengths and single minded purpose. How can the glass be viewed as anything but half-full?

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